So three weeks ago, I received my first jury summons since college. I’m not going to lie… I was excited. I have always wanted to sit on a jury. Maybe it is my obsession with Law and Order, CSI, Criminal Minds or any other crime drama out there…but I wanted to see the action in real life.
So I woke up this morning and picked out my respectable jury outfit with a little cleave showing (how else was I going to win the position of Jury Foreperson!). I caked on less whore makeup and grabbed my jury sheet. Only then did I realize I was supposed to fill something out online prior to arrival. The day was not going as planned…
Having no time to spare, I zoomed out to the waiting traffic on the highway. Really? Shouldn’t these people be at work? It was 8 o clock! I was barely going to have enough time to get there and make friends will all of my new jury buddies. So I weaved in and out and took some side roads, dropped my car off at the Court Valet parking lot (man, I love Dallas. We valet EVERYWHERE!) and ran into the building at 8:23. I had to be there at 8:30.
I went through the metal detector (exciting…criminals!) and found the area of the building. Lucky for me, there were quite a few people that forgot to send in their info online. I joined the crowd and entered everything in. I had my badge scanned and walked into what looked like a Texas A&M classroom and waited to be called to duty.
Lucky me, I was just in time for the informational video that was probably filmed 20 years ago. I chuckled at the awesome outfits everyone was wearing, giggled at the even better haircuts and laughed every time jur-OR was said…I also realized I was the only one even watching it.
While waiting for the real action to happen, I took out my book and began to read. Then out of nowhere I heard “ALL RISE.’ Oh man, this is it! The judge was here!!! Yippeee! I was finally going to sit on a jury! We swore to something (I am all about the details) and then the judge began to give his speech. He asked the group, “Who all was excited when they received their jury summons in the mail about 3 weeks ago?” Right away, I raised my hand. Better believe it, Mr. Judge Sir! In mid raise, I also realized I was the only one so my hand kind of hovered near my face…and quickly disappeared when I thought I heard a camera zooming in on me. The judge then told the crowd how inconvenient it is for him to be summoned and all the juggling he has to do just to show up and sit around, but how it is a wonderful thing and that juries are always right. Ha! Anyway, he spoke some more about it, I tuned out and once he left I went back to reading.
About an hour, they called a group of jurors to go to the courts. Yes! Except my number wasn’t a part of the cool crowd. So I go to sit some more…
The lady finally came back after about 30 minutes. At this point I am squirming with excitement. That is when she announces that none of the courts will need any more jurors for the day and that we are all dismissed. Ummm… excuse me? No, no, no NO! This was my jury day. A day away from work so that I could be a Law and Order Girl! How am I not needed!?! Did you not notice my perfect jury outfit?
Oh well, so I packed up my bag and headed out to lunch and then work. I think next time, I will go for the aggravated-to-be-here approach and maybe I will get chosen. I still better get my $6 for showing up, though…
365 Days = 365 Opportunities for Awesomeness
11 years ago
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