When I was in high school, I worked at the Zoo for a bit. While there I formed a crush on one of my coworkers. Nothing ever came of it and I went off to the glorious world of College. While in college, my Zoo Crush got in contact with me and we ended up going on a date and in true Stephanie style I never talked to him again.
Fast forward to after college… with the beauty of Myspace and putting all of your information out the web, my crush found me when I was working at Neimans. We emailed back and forth for like 2 days. He wanted to go out but I was already in a relationship…so it wasn’t going to happen.
Then I don’t hear from him for another year… then the same story. Out of the blue he emails me and I try to have nice innocent conversations with him and he wants to meet up. Once again, not gonna happen.
So almost every year, I randomly hear from him. The last time, I think he hit me up on Myspace through his friends account. I asked him what he was up to and he said he had gone into the world of dancing at private parties. Oooook. I , of course, laughed it off. He then proceeded to say he was serious and asked if I wanted to see pictures. At that point, I stopped responding.
Tuesday while I was taking a break from working, I checked my personal email. I saw that I had my random, yearly email from my ‘friend.’ That is when I did the worst thing you could ever do….I opened the email. Only to have my eyes accosted by a man standing at his bathroom mirror……BUTT NAKED!!!! AGH! How is it possible that now I have a cyber flasher!?! I mean really…who does that?
Needless to say, I immediately starting hyper-ventilating that I just accidently looked at porn at work. Then I told my coworker, called another coworker and told her….then we called another coworker and told her. I then got on the phone to Mary Beth (didn’t want to have an HR violation) and told her. Then, of course, I called Ben.
In conclusion, my inbox is now clean from said flashing incident. Everyone I know now knows about it, including my poor Mom.
Although, it makes me wonder….could this have been my flasher from the downtown parking garage? Thank God, I moved. :D
And you are very welcome that this post did not include pictures!
365 Days = 365 Opportunities for Awesomeness
11 years ago
hahah, i was just wondering if he was the parking garage flasher!!!!:) block his email!!! make it junk and block him on facebook and myspace & edit your privacy settings.
But then what will I post about? Haha. No, he isnt even my friend on Facebook or Myspace. I will just block his email...or email him this post. JUST KIDDIN!
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