Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Lent Contract

Over Happy Hour last night at Zymology, Mary Beth and I started to discuss Lent and what we would try to give up this year. Right now, I am sure you are scratching your head thinking…when did Stephanie become Catholic? Wait, when did Stephanie become religious? Wait….why wasn’t I invited to Happy Hour? Well, to answer the questions. I did not convert to Catholicism and I am not all that religious, but I do like to give up something for Lent. As for Happy Hour, you can come any time you want…

So after a half a bottle of wine each, Mary Beth came up with a contract for us….on receipt paper. We wanted to make sure it was formal, hence the wording. Here is the original:

From Not So Secret World of Stephanie

For those of you who can’t read what it says, I am pretty sure I agreed to the following:


This contract heretofore within states & legally documents the binding agreement between the Mary Beth and the Stephanie in Bethanie to the following:

1. No candy;
2. No fast food; (anything with a drive thru)
3. No fried foods;

Under penalty of no shopping for shoes or clothes or accessories for 40 days. (muahahahahaha!!)

Scribble known as MB’s signature
Signed, & agreed & understood

More legible Stephanie signature
Signed, & agreed & understood

And of course along the side is the bartender (Ben’s) signature as our witness.

So make sure you keep me in line for Lent because I don’t want to lose my shopping privileges!

1 comment:

Veronica Maria said...

ok, the BEST part of this contract is how you refer to yourselves as "THE" Mary Beth and "THE" Stephanie. Love it:)