Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day this year, Ben and I decided to forego the expensive gifts and go for the cheesiest gifts we could find for $30. Best idea ever.

I went to the most expensive store to find my gifts for him. Big Lots had a great selection of cheesy gifts. I picked out a huge card, a fuzzy box in the shape of lips, candy for inside the box and picture frame. Then on Saturday morning, before Ben got out of bed, I went to Albertson's and picked up some stuff for breakfast and bought a huge balloon that 'sings' when you tap it. It was pure greatness.

Over banana pancakes and juice, Ben I exchanged our gifts. He got me a huge card (he copied me), an awesome cheap heart necklace, heart stamps and a box of chocolates. It was nice, simple and cheesy. It was an awesome start to Valentine's day.

I also met Ben's dad, step-mother and two younger brothers as well. We had an awesome lunch at Ben's restaurant/bar. Unfortunately for me, I did not get to drown my nerves with a bottle of wine. I had to be on my best behavior.....yeah, had any of my friends walked in at that time they would not recognize me.

Then my Valentine's day really took off...

Richard, Sid and Nehal all came into town to party it up Dallas style. We all met at my apartment, drank a little bit of Ben's good alcohol (one of the many benefits to living with him) and then headed of to Zymology. That's right, twice in one day, baby. After dinner and a few drinks we need to test out our dance moves.

We took the advice of Tyre and headed off to Madison Ave. Just as Tyre predicted it was packed with the lovely ladies and had loud music. After many trips to the bar, I began to highly enjoy myself. I demonstrated my cool new dance moves, tried to help my boys hit on the ladies and even went ninja style and stole a 'sip' of someone's fresh drink.

When 1:45 AM rolled around, it was definitely time for me to go. I closed my tab and all of us headed for the recap at the apartment. Ben finally go home....we enjoyed more of his good alcohol and finally passed out. Needless to say, it was the Best Valentine's Day I have ever had.

Except when I went to lunch today and tried to use my credit card. I found out that one of the bartenders gave me Ms. Limket card. She apparently got my card today and went to eat at Dickey's BBQ..... So once again, another canceled debit card and another 'fraud' ding on my report. Yay credit fun!

Here are some pics from Valentine's morning. If Nehal ever sends me some pics, I will upload dance party ones.

The pancakes I made (I know, crazy...I cooked!):

From Not So Secret World of Stephanie

Ben's Card:

From Not So Secret World of Stephanie

His presents:

From Not So Secret World of Stephanie

His Balloon:

From Not So Secret World of Stephanie

My gifts and card:

From Not So Secret World of Stephanie

1 comment:

Ben Verdooren said...

For the record, I did not copy you and you left out one of the gifts I got you