Friday, April 15, 2011

Chicago Work Week - Day 2...

So I woke up after a couple of hours of sleep ready to attack the day. I was a bit nervous going into the office because I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know what any of my new job responsibilities were going to be....lucky for me, it was all things that I knew how to do. So workload wise I was good.

So to help me and boys with our hangovers, we went over to Portillo's and apparently this is cure all of all hangovers. Yeah, not so much for me. I had the beef sandwich and cheese fries. Now mind you it was good, I just think my body wanted to hurt me even more since I hadn't been eating fast food and greasy food for a while. So while it was amazing while I ate it, I felt even worse a couple hours later.

So after one of the longest days at work, we all finally made our way back to the hotel to rest. Yeah, I was at that point I was so tired that there was no way I could fall asleep. So after watching TV for about an hour, the boys and I all decided to head out for dinner. To one of Joe's friend's bar... oh no.

In shocking behaviour, we all were on our best behaviour. No shots. No drinking games. No crazy dance party moves. Just a nice relaxing dinner and drinks. And in true form we all headed home around 10 PM. I do was shocked that all 3 of us could walk in a bar and still have the ability to walk out...sober.

Chicago was looking up for me and being responsible. yay! :)

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